In the era of rapid technological advancement, when robotics and intelligent systems are becoming an integral part of everyday life, the importance of developing control systems for mobile robotic platforms using artificial neural networks becomes extremely high and relevant. This field not only has significant practical needs but also holds considerable potential for innovative development. The evolution of modern robotics and computational intelligence has necessitated the creation of more efficient and adaptive mobile robotic systems. A system and tools for controlling mobile robotic platforms using artificial neural networks (ANNs) have been developed in this work. By simulating the workings of a neural system, ANNs enable robots not only to react to input data but also to learn to solve complex tasks and adapt to changes in their environment.
One of the key challenges in mobile platform control is the development of effective and intuitive interfaces that provide convenient and reliable interaction between the user and the robotic system. In this context, the use of hand gestures by humans represents a progressive and promising direction as it allows for the creation of the most natural and efficient means of control. The main task is to create an effective and intuitively understandable system that enables the operator to interact with the robotic platform using natural movements and gestures. As a result, software with a graphical interface for real-time gesture recognition using machine learning has been developed.
The scientific novelty of the approach is the integration of advanced ANNs methods to improve the quality of control and functionality of mobile robotic platforms. The main aspects of scientific novelty include integration with artificial intelligence, interactivity of control, development of robotics mobility, and adaptability to various tasks. The problem addressed in this work lies in the need to develop effective and intuitive control systems for mobile robotic platforms using gesture recognition technologies.
A program based on convolutional neural networks has been developed, which determines the position of the hand and identifies specific gestures such as forward, backward, right and left turns, as well as stopping movement. The implemented technology can be used in various fields of human activity (smart home control, technological solutions for people with physical disabilities, enhancing interactivity in entertainment devices, improving interfaces for interacting with technical equipment).
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