The Choice of Languages for Website of Organizations in Case of Multilingual Customers

Lviv Politechnic National University
Національний університет «Львівська політехніка»

The paper describes the changes of potential customers' language priorities in multilingual societies at the example of Ukraine. The case of Ukraine is interesting because of sharp changes in customers' attitude to other countries. It makes huge influence on customer behavior while buying goods: customers pay much more attention on the country of product origin. That is why the hypothesis of the article was that such changes in attitude to products produced in certain countries also connected with changes in attitude to languages of these countries and that companies should take into account these changes in their internet-marketing. To check this hypothesis the survey to identify business attitude to this question on the example of websites of Ukrainian bank sector was made. This economic sector is the most vulnerable to customer loyalty. Research showed that Ukrainian language is the prior to satisfy potential clients, and Russian language is needed to avoid the incomprehension of Russian speaking population.

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