Our studies of the environmental protection and rational use of resources will greatly facilitate the eco culture development of society, especially the younger generation. The art imagery, colouristics, nonstandard interpretation, emotion, humour, and satire are needed in modern eco posters, and so it becomes more important to use in the advertising appeal as a visual-verbal model such creative technologies as metaphor, metonymy, allegory, associations, as well as hyperbole. Comparing the reflection of eco problems and their understanding by society, we can mention that the level of eco culture in Europe is much higher. This is usually thanks to the daily nurturing of the society in this direction with the help of outdoor, television, web advertisements, supporting various eco-initiatives by the Governments and private funds, and discipline of all population concerning waste utilization. The visual means and main stages of the historical development of eco posters in the context of culture are analyzed. Authors are considering the imagery and stylistics of the eco poster as public advertising. These materials are part of the course of academic lectures “Design of Advertising”, which can be used not only for designers but also ecologists, advertisers, culturologists, sociologists and philosophers.
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