
Adaptation aspects of economic expertise in the circuit controlling the german model enterprise

In this article the adaptive aspects of the economic expertise in the circuits controlling
model of A. Dayle. In this approach, contours availability subsystem economic expertise be
implemented in two groups of tools: tools of planning and regulation of subdivisions (a
function of business process management) and management tools and incentives for workers
(people management function). Thus, for each set of business processes, goals of controlling is
actually derived from the objectives of the enterprise and are a direct reflection of the

Архітектура програмного комплексу побудови адаптивних Веб-галерей

Adaptive Web-galleries can reorganize the structure of its content according to user’s interests and peculiarities of their behaviour. Each Web-gallery encompasses expositions that to some extent reveal defined thematic categories. Each exposition contains exhibits which not always fully reveal its content. Exhibits that poorly reveal the content of exposition distract users and distort their interpretation.

Ukrainian integration strategy: stages and risks

The algorithm of the ground of maintenance and sequence of steps which are necessary for the effective management of procedures for Ukrainian integration into a world economy, in particular, for the entry into European Union (EU), is investigated. The  presence of corresponding factors is examined as  pre-condition of expediency of European direction of integration of Ukraine and active activity of legislative and executive bodies of  management of Ukraine in this direction  etc..