
Аналіз витрат води у водогонах міста Сянок

The thesis presents the analysis of water losses in the water supply system of Sanok in the years 2007 – 2011, on the basis of the data received from the Municipal Enterprise in Sanok. Calculated ratios of unit rates of water losses and indicators recommended by the International Water Association – IWA. The calculated rates for losses are comparable to the results obtained in other Polish water supply systems.

Experimental diagnostics and static assessment of fire damaged steel structure

In the paper are presented the results of diagnostics, tests of materials, numerical modelling and static analysis of the current state of the bearing steel structure of the hall after a fire and design of the actions for the repair of the damaged steel structural members.

The criteria and forming components of integral index for effectiveness functioning of enterprise

It was grounded the importance of key performance indicators in the system of modern
enterprise management. It was analyzed the scientific approaches in estimating and analyzing
effectiveness activity of enterprise. According to the results of analysis of different scientists’
researches in subject field in was notioned the ambivalent character of enterprise performance
indicators, used in different scientific issues. It was pointed out the changes, that happened in
the theories of effectiveness and efficiency.

Experience of accounting and analytical maintenance of “maslosoyuzom” in the first half of the twentieth century

Reveals the importance of historical research establishment and development of
accounting and analytical support for the system analysis of the current practices and current
research in the subject field of economics. Deals with the historical experience of accounting
and analytical maintenance of “Maslocoyuzom” which was a leader in the processing of milk
at Western in the first half of the twentieth century, including the structure and content of the
accounting and analytical information to support the appropriate management decisions in

Evaluation of the client efficiency outsourcing activities by major types of outsourcing

In the process of improvement of industrial and business activities of enterprises in
accordance with changes of competitive market environment the question of efficiency assessment
of outsourcing transactions which secure solid economic benefits and simultaneously generate line
of risks is very important. Despite the abundance of literature which examines the features of
evaluating the effectiveness of outsourcing, one of the outstanding issues today is the issue of

Intangible assets as a subject of accounting and reporting

Reveals the importance of intangible resources and economic operation of the business post-
industrial type. Proved that the rational management of intangible assets should be based on
complete and accurate information about their availability and use, ie formalized characterization of
all intangible objects formed in the accounting system. The content and economic nature of
intangibles as the object of the accounting and financial (corporate) reporting.
Consider the content and conceptual and methodological basis of accounting for intangible

Analyzing the status and trends of development ofmachine-building enterprises in Ukraine

Machine-building in the domestic economy took the lead, as it focused significant
technical, scientific and innovative potential. Development of machine building promotes the
development of other related industries, allowing you to create a closed loop production in
Ukraine. Analysis of companies to determine the reasons for slowing the development,
availability and status of resources, the volume of export-import operations, financial and
investment processes. Based on the results of machine-building enterprises can make effective

Метод використання онтологій у петлі OODA

In the paper the behavior of an intelligent agent in a competitive environment is investigated in the paper. The OODA loop is chosen for behavior simulation. The interaction of OODA loop stages (observation, orientation, decision support, action) with the ontology of tasks and subject area in which the agent operates was explored.


Запропоновно методологічний підхід до визначення темпів зростання виробничих фондів в залежності від ряду техніко-економічних параметрів, зокрема строків служби фондів, співвідношення основних та оборотних складових, рентабельності фондів тощо. Також розглянуто параметри ресурсного забезпечення відтворення з врахуванням варіантів власних та позичених коштів. Отримано кількісні закономірності інтерпретуються на прикладі розв’язання задач щодо прийняття інвестиційних рішень.

Conception of quality management of city environment of city

The basic concepts of quality of city environment are considered, going near the management of quality of city environment, state of city environment for today, lacks of management,  raising of task of quality management of city environment. The system of aims  of quality management of city environment, choice of indexes of quality on the basis of this system and conceptual model of quality management, is offered.