
Prospects of implementation and practice compliance with marketing standards in Ukraine and the EU

In the presented article the prospects for implementing marketing standards in Ukraine and the EU are examined. Investigated the practice compliance with such standards in our country and the EU. Systematized approach to standardization and the main prospects for further integration into the European space.

Market relations development on a quasi-іntegration basis

The essence of kvaziintegration is expanded in the article. Kvaziintegration refers to the universal (hybrid) process of corporate formation, which combines features of both integration and disintegration. This is a formal (imaginary) integration on a conventional basis, which leaves the autonomy to parts that belong to it. The advantage of this harmonious formation is a partnership and absolute competition. The phenomenon of kvaziintegration’s structure is laying in its special features – it’s adaptive, flexible, dynamic formation and focuses on tactical targets.

From cold logistics to cold supply chains

A number of questions concerning the development of cold logistics and the specificity of cold chain supply have been outlined. The topicality of implementation of advanced technologies and consolidation of all the members of cold chain supply which will allow to provide quality performance of logistical operations in cold chain supply has been defined. For investigation results it has been defined that the main problem of cold chain supply is the preservation of temperature condition.

Консолідований інформаційний ресурс економічних показників регіону

In this article information from the management objects regarding the data consolidation processes obtained from both internal and external sources is collected and analyzed. On this basis data warehouse is built. Integration and analysis means of diverse input data of the region economic sphere are developed.

Розширення функціональності ВНС ЛП

Розширення функціональності ВНС ЛП дає змогу додати нові можливості та підвищити ефективність роботи з існуючими можливостями навчального середовища. Нові типи тестових питань, візуальні редактори, відеоконференції, віртуальний робочий стіл – далеко не повний перелік нових функцій, які розширюють горизонти дистанційного навчання.

Analysis integration strategy and tactics business development

Reveals the importance of feasibility study in the process of objective criteria for stable
operation of the business in the context of integration of tactics and strategy of its
development, formulation parameters of efficiency. The urgency and the direction of analysis
and integration of strategies and tactics of business method and its implementation.
There area number of factors that cause imbalances in the strategy and tactics of
market reform at the national macro level that is not conducive to achieving the desired

Application of country studying material to academic and educational process in higher non-humanitarian education profile

In this paper will be analyzed the country studying materials concerning teachening of mandatory disciplines by the integration of "The history of Ukraine" course in accordance to the curricular programs for the students of the Institute of Business and Perspective Technology of Lviv Polytechnic National University. In presented materials as an example was taken Western region of Ukraine, especially Subcarpathian.

Consolidation of the open information resources in the tourism sphere

The article describes the role of data consolidation in the tourism sphere, the need to use existing software tools to handle tourist information is highlighted, the problem of data resources structuring and unified format creation are emphasized, and the scheme of the formation of tourism documentation is presented.

Ukraine – Republic of Poland: cooperation and customs relations

The article raises questions of international cooperation between the two neighboring states, ensuring the process of keeping customs policy. Particular attention is paid to customs relations and legislation that is important levers driving customs.18 Joining the European Union is a priority of Ukraine’s foreign policy experience as our strategic partner in Poland gained in the process of negotiating to join the European Union, is extremely valuable to our country in the context of European integration for Ukraine’s efforts. Customs is one of the main tools protectionist policy.