
Interpretation of values: praxeological aspect

The proposed article includes analysis of changes in interpretations of the nature of property rights in the process of scientific study. Category analyzed the social value of law aspects and determining influence on society. We study the types of the law society, the effects are determined by legal impact and their effectiveness. In particular, clarified the issuepraxeological aspect rights values in the life of society and established a set of factors required for the establishment of values in modern society.

Collective agreement: some legal drafting issues of creation and interpretation

This article deals with some legal drafting issues of creating and interpretation of the collective agreement. In order to establish the peculiarities of legal drafting and its creation was made a general description of the collective agreement properties. There were established content and formal requirements for the drafting creation, types of principles and methods of the interpretation of collective agreement.

Hermeneutical method of interpretation the law: historical and legal divergence

In the scientific article the questions of divergence of historical and legal hermeneutics.
Clarified, that the interpretation is a typical activities of a lawyer, particularly in the Romano-
Germanic system of law. Any professional lawyer who works in legislative or executive bodies,
often engaged in the interpretation of the law and facts that underlie their use. It is established
that the recognition of the professionalism of a lawyer depends on hermeneutical
interpretation, the ability to choose and implement from the plurality of meanings of the rule

Підхід до автоматичної побудови функцій інтерпретації під час навчання онтологій

In the paper the approach to automated construction of interpretation functions (axioms) of concepts and relations of the domain ontology during its training are considered. The method of recognizing the semantics of natural language texts and its representation in the form of descriptive logic.

Про можливість виявлення скупчень газу в щільних пісковиках мобільними геофізичними методами

Результати експериментального застосування мобільних технологій показують, що метод обробки даних дистанційного зондування Землі дозволяє оперативно виявляти аномалії типу „поклад газу (нафти)” в колекторах різного типу. Ці аномалії можуть бути пов'язані із зонами „sweet spots”, в межах яких існує висока ймовірність отримання промислових припливів ВВ.

Hermeneutic and communication concepts of interpretation of legal texts in mass media and means of mass communication

The article regards the problem of interpretation of legal discourse of mass-media and text with the help of hermeneutic-communicative and legal-linguistic methods. It analyzes the stages of research of legal text in order to avoid diverse interpretations and hermeneutic “mistakes” in legal discourse of mass-media perception.