
Theoretical and legal analysis of the relationship between the state and the christian religion in the «philosophy of law» Hegel

Analyzed scientific views of the great German philosopher Hegel’s dialectic relationship
and on relations between the state and the Christian religion. In his work «Philosophy of Law»
German philosopher deeply and comprehensively reveals the role and place of state not only in
the development and functioning of society, but also the Christian religion as an important
institution in the formation of spirituality and high morality in society.

Сhristian life standards: methanotropological reasons

The article investigates life-giving norms in the meta-anthropological aspect. The focus is on the characterization of virtues. It is proved that the process of virtues in a meta50 anthropological dimension has natural determinants, since Christian life-giving norms are manifested in everyday, existential and transcendental dimensions in different ways. The lifestyle technique from the point of view of transcendental law is described.

A tireless fighter for the rights and freedom of Ukrainian people (to the 160 anniversary of I. Franko)

Scientific-theoretical and revolutionary activity of the genius of the Ukrainian people Ivan Franko directed to the social and national liberation of Ukrainian people struggle for its rights and freedoms is being observed.

The legal nature of truth

The article examines the truth with philosophical and legal perspective. In epistemology truth right primarily understood as a process of knowledge of the truth, each of the stages of which can give only relative truth. Fixing some point in the cognitive process as absolutely true suspends the process and turns the truth into a lie because of a mismatch the new conditions and circumstances. It is ignored on this epistemological circumstances built absolutisation positivists significance norms of the law.

Problem of methodological demarcation law

The article discusses current issues methodological problems of demarcation law describes the basic scientific approaches to determine the definition of law. An attempt to solve the traditional concept of discourse to the world, mainly western jurisprudence methodological problems. It is proved that from the standpoint of methodology knowledge of the entire analysis was erected on level epistemological procedures that do not derive to understand the content of the right, which, above all, viewed the problem of understanding and interpretation of the idea of law.

Natural desire of acquiring virtues: the purpose of the anthropological dimension

The article explores the concept of virtue, it metaantropological dimension. It focused on the divisions quality characteristic. It is necessary that the process of virtues in metaantropological dimension has natural determinants are investigated in the article.

The christian religion in the life and work of T. G. Shevchenko

Jn the basis of scientific, historical, philosophical and religious sources in the article analyzed the role and place of the Christian religion in the life and wod of the brilliant poet Taras Shevchenko, rating of philosopher of religion as an important factor in the formation of high morals and spirituality as an individual and all-people.

Support judicial discretion

In terms of competitiveness of the domestic proceedings and the ambiguous approach of the theory of the judicial process and the legislator to judge procedural manifestations of activity in court cases urgent problem of the judge's discretion in the preparation for the trial, in a case in court, the reopening of the case in view of new or newly discovered facts.

The legal methods of formation of legal consciouness

The article is devoted to the exploration of ways and methods of formation of legal
consciousness in the context of ensuring their realization of the State and civil society.
The author attempted to describe the basic methods of forming of legal consciousness
separating them into categories to “public” and “private”, depending on the subjects of their
We come to the conclusion that a key place in the system of remedies of formation of legal
consciousness takes legal education as a precondition for social development of individual.

Kant: war and peace. A difficult way to perpetual peace

The present article studies the problem of war and peace from the essay “To Perpetual Peace” by the prominent German philosopher Immanuel Kant. The attention is drawn to theoretical and philosophical comprehension of the problem of war and its social consequences, and to the ways to achieve perpetual peace. In his literary work the German philosopher reveals dialectics of interconnection of politics, law, morality and their role in achieving perpetual peace, creatively applying theoretical and methodological approach.