
Regularity in the use of Metaphysical Norms of Human Dignity

Abstract. Human dignity is determined by natural law, which is mandatory for practical life. Therefore, the connection of living conditions with natural norms is a regularity. After all, the microcosm in the macrocosm operates thanks to natural and supernatural norms, similar to the movement of spaceships in universal space. Failure to use these higher legal standards of human dignity leads to the death, destruction of a conditional biological spacecraft. This objective existing relationship, legal characteristics, are often underestimated in practical life. 

Meta-Anthropological Methodology in the Establishment and Development of International Law

Abstract. Meta-anthropological methodology expands the boundaries of the traditional understanding of law, including philosophical, cultural and anthropological aspects, which is important for solving modern problems of international law, such as the protection of human rights, conflicts of cultures, migration, environmental issues and global security issues. 

Antinomical Nature of Artificial Law

Circumstances of earthly life, various vital factors that took place in society, the national state, and interstate relations require specific regulation. The creative atmosphere of a person generates a powerful set of laws. Their number is constantly growing, which requires constant attention to quality, as insoluble, insurmountable contradictions appear. Knowing these contradictions is inextricably linked with doubts.

Valuable guidelines of law in the formation of human behavior

The article defines the impact of value orientations of law on the formation of human behavior through the prism of the main concepts of legal understanding. It has been found that the nature of legal values occurs in several alternative axiological approaches, of which the most well-founded are the objectivist and subjectivist concepts. Thus, the first determines that values exist objectively, that is, regardless of the subject's consciousness, and he only correctly or incorrectly evaluates them and applies them in everyday life.

Law enforcement activities and martial status:moral and legal features

It has found that during the war it is important to find a moral and legal balance of the development and existence of society, which will help to "keep" society in a state of lawful behavior not because of fear of punishment, but on the basis of understanding one's own moral responsibility not only before the law, but also before the next generations.

An outstanding philosophical and legal work (to the 200th anniversary of the publication of hegel's «philosophy of law»)

The article analyzes the role and place in the history of philosophical and legal thought of the published work «Philosophy of Law» by the German thinker G.V.F. Hegel. Written 200 years ago, it is considered to be one of the most profound and relevant works in which Hegel creatively based on his dialectical and philosophical method and methodology analyzes the complex processes in the socio-political, legal, economic, moral, psychological and religious life of civil society and the state.

Problem of education of collective and personality in A. S. Makarenko’s works, and their role in educational process of MIA of Ukraine (to 90th anniversary of his death)

A. S. Makarenko became a part of history of the world pedagogy as one of the prominent theorists and a practical innovator. Study and publication of his works in 29 languages of the peoples of the USSR prove the fact that A. Makarenko became a world-class educator. His works were published in 24 languages abroad. The formation of A. Makarenko’s philosophical and pedagogical worldview was greatly influenced by the works of prominent foreign teachers Ya. Komensky, I. Pestalozzi, K. Ushinsky, J. J. Russo, J. Locke, I. Disterverg etc. A.

Canonical law in the constitutional field: problems and searches for symphony

The article examines canon law in the constitutional field, because the philosophical
world is very rich in creativity as a movement towards transcendental, extra-ordinary
existence. This creativity in terrestrial conditions is emasculated, stifled by society, the Church
and the state on the basis of the coexistence of people with natural laws, synergistic, nonlinear
social processes. These three institutions, which are governed by natural and supernatural
laws, carry out culturological activities. In particular, they form their legal field, influence the

Canonical confidence of grace Holy places

The article explores the canonical confidence of the grace of the Holy Places, which
makes it possible to understand and realize the role of the Church as the secrets of the sinful
people. The intensive spiritual life of a person needs the Church, not only its liturgical life, but
its continuation. Although visiting the holy places and not replacing the church ordinances, but
gives confidence, confidence in the correctness of their respect, as well as recognition of this

Theory of capacities of the perfect circulations of the Church

The article explores the theory of the possibilities of the supernatural ordinances of the
Church. The main focus is on characterizing Christian virtues and sacraments. Christian
virtues are received by man, for her sake, and all the sacraments are realized, which are
dogma. Moral justification of the dogma of each sacrament forms an individual understanding
of natural and supernatural law and, accordingly, ontological behavior.