
Simulation of the distribution of fixation of impact of threats from internal and external environments on economic protectability of enterprise

The conceptual approach to simulation of the distribution of fixation of impact of threats from internal and external environments on the current state of economic protectability of enterprise, that allows monitoring its integrity and further dynamics with maximum precision with the participation of optimally proposed number of parameters-indicators in terms of inputted compo¬nents of integrated economic protection of business entity, is formed in the work.

The criteria and forming components of integral index for effectiveness functioning of enterprise

It was grounded the importance of key performance indicators in the system of modern
enterprise management. It was analyzed the scientific approaches in estimating and analyzing
effectiveness activity of enterprise. According to the results of analysis of different scientists’
researches in subject field in was notioned the ambivalent character of enterprise performance
indicators, used in different scientific issues. It was pointed out the changes, that happened in
the theories of effectiveness and efficiency.

Adaptation aspects of economic expertise in the circuit controlling the german model enterprise

In this article the adaptive aspects of the economic expertise in the circuits controlling
model of A. Dayle. In this approach, contours availability subsystem economic expertise be
implemented in two groups of tools: tools of planning and regulation of subdivisions (a
function of business process management) and management tools and incentives for workers
(people management function). Thus, for each set of business processes, goals of controlling is
actually derived from the objectives of the enterprise and are a direct reflection of the

Features design of enterprise formation intellectual potential

The features of the system of construction of formation of the intellectual potential of
enterprises based on process-structured design of its components are explored in this article. The
scientific opinions concerning the features and the need of develop this potential are developed.
According to results of studying the theory and practice of management of enterprises the system
proposed formation of the intellectual capacity of the entity for the main stages of its operation, such

Connetions between theaccounting information system and the logistics system of the economic entity

The aim of this study is to identify similarities between the accounting information
system and the logistics system of an individual economic entity. The background for this type
of analysis is provided by the characteristics and the role of the individual information
company where the key role regarding the economic information is played by accounting. The
presentation of the main characteristics and functions of accounting as well as the definition of
the notion and the characteristics of logistics will be followed by the answer to the question

Methodology of calculations of logistic costs and charges for delivery

The development of Ukrainian economics observed in the last years and its orientation towards the integration into the world economics community, as well as large-scale introduction of market relations require the radical structural changes of economic potential of subjects of entrepreneurial activity and adequate policy directed towards the increase in the efficiency of their economic activity.

Accounting policy for unfinished production

In the article the problem of accounting policies of work-in-progress are researched.
Work-in-progress is one of the key objects of accounting because it directly influence on
financial position and financial results of enterprise. Despite the possibility of using
alternatives in accounting and reporting, the problem of accounting policies of work-in-
progress becomes relevant.
In the article theauthors’suggestions in part of isolatingelementsof accounting
policiesregardingwork in progress are summarized. Due attentionis given toestimation of

Features internal audit investment projects

Maintenance of existing audits of investment projects, systematized views of scientists on the
development of subject area knowledge and practice. Shows ambush approaches of financial
accounting Ukrainian enterprises based on common principles set out in international standards,
standardization of national legislation with an international regulatory framework.
The causes of low efficiency of investment of domestic enterprises through causal factor
of influence on this fact the absence of an internal audit of investment projects. Argued that

Evaluation of the client efficiency outsourcing activities by major types of outsourcing

In the process of improvement of industrial and business activities of enterprises in
accordance with changes of competitive market environment the question of efficiency assessment
of outsourcing transactions which secure solid economic benefits and simultaneously generate line
of risks is very important. Despite the abundance of literature which examines the features of
evaluating the effectiveness of outsourcing, one of the outstanding issues today is the issue of