

Розглядаються основні ідеологічно мотивовані урбаністичні реформи, яких зазнало українське село протягом епохи соціалізму у ХХ ст., у сфері нормування площ земельних ділянок сільських садиб. Відслідковується втілення цих реформ у генеральних планах і планах детального розпланування сельбищних територій сільських поселень України. Автор аналізує  як зазначені реформи позначились на виробництві сільськогосподарської продукції, соціально-демографічній структурі сільського населення, структурі домогосподарств і загальній життєдіяльності та психології селян

Декриміналізація як метод кримінально-правової політики

Проаналізовано питання декриміналізації як методу кримінально-правової політики. Підсумовуючи викладене, констатовано, що декриміналізація як процес офіційного визнання факту втрати певним діянням суспільної небезпеки та вилучення норми, яка раніше встановлювала кримінальну відповідальність за згадане діяння, із КК України, є одним із найдієвіших методів кримінально-правової політики.

Depenalization as a method of criminal-law policy

The article is devoted to analysis of depenalization as a method of criminal-law policy. It
is concluded that the lack of a common understanding of the concept and essence of
depenalization does not allow the full implementation of this method of criminal-law in
practice. At the same time, he could act as one effective instrument for reforming domestic
criminal law in the context of the declared humanization of criminal responsibility and
punishment. It would seem that in this way it would be possible to significantly reduce the

Theoretical and legal analysis of the relationship between the state and the christian religion in the «philosophy of law» Hegel

Analyzed scientific views of the great German philosopher Hegel’s dialectic relationship
and on relations between the state and the Christian religion. In his work «Philosophy of Law»
German philosopher deeply and comprehensively reveals the role and place of state not only in
the development and functioning of society, but also the Christian religion as an important
institution in the formation of spirituality and high morality in society.

A tireless fighter for the rights and freedom of Ukrainian people (to the 160 anniversary of I. Franko)

Scientific-theoretical and revolutionary activity of the genius of the Ukrainian people Ivan Franko directed to the social and national liberation of Ukrainian people struggle for its rights and freedoms is being observed.

Design concept “social state” in the historical aspect

History today is followed the idea of the welfare state and highlighted the practice of institutionalization and functioning. The specific features of its accumulation and redistribution of national resources are studied. The experience of implementation patronage role of the stat are carefully considered. Mixed economic, political, ethical, psychological and other consequences of its implementation in daily life are explained. The state is subject to a civil society and endowed with supreme authority. It acts as the system of social categories.

Protecting the freedom, independence and sovereignty in the political and legal concepts of Hegel

The problem of protecting freedom, independence and sovereignty in the philosophical, political and legal concepts of the great German philosopher GVF Hegel. German philosopher made a profound analysis of the role and place of the state in the development and functioning of society. He is one of the first drew attention to the need to protect the state of freedom, independence and sovereignty of aggression. In this respect, revealed the role and place of the people and the army to protect their country.

The principle of informatization of education in a globalized society

The problems of informatization of education are analised in the article. The role of education in the global information society is determinated. The main manifestations of informatization of education are determinated, among them there are: new means acquiring knowledge, innovation and technical resources information; strengthening intra-state and international communications education and research sector; formation of new educational content and new forms of education, such as distance education and virtual universities.

Theoretical basis of “social state” concept

It could not be a civil society without the state, and without the state could not exist a full rule of law because they are organic sides of modern civilized social life. The idea of the welfare state emerged on the basis of many social, economic and political theories. It reflects and develops the idea of good people, justice, equality, decent existence. Some of these ideas appeared in the ancient world, including: some theories of law and state; economic theories; theories of just social order and others.

Violence in the policies and practices of the stalinist totalitarian regime (historical and legal aspects)

The problem of violence in politics and practice of Stalin’s totalitarian regime, the gist of
which lied in the physical destruction, moral and psychological oppression and conquest of all
citizens of the state is analysed.
The effective methods of the implementation of this programme were the politics and
practice of violence, repressions, terror and fear, the lack of human’s rights before the Soviet