Design concept “social state” in the historical aspect


D. Skovronskyy

History today is followed the idea of the welfare state and highlighted the practice of institutionalization and functioning. The specific features of its accumulation and redistribution of national resources are studied. The experience of implementation patronage role of the stat are carefully considered. Mixed economic, political, ethical, psychological and other consequences of its implementation in daily life are explained. The state is subject to a civil society and endowed with supreme authority. It acts as the system of social categories. The term “welfare state” is widely used in the legal and economic literature and understood as a state that provides social orientation of the market economy to redistribute income in favor of those who need support and concern from the state and the society, overcoming social inequality and so on. The existence of the welfare state is associated with democracy, as it is believed that one of the most important factors of its formation is the impact of civil society. The modern concept of the welfare state comes from the fact that this is a state that puts its main objective the achievement of the welfare of the society and its members, provide citizens with decent living conditions and a free, comprehensive development; ensure social protection and promotes broad participation of people in social development and use of the results for human rights and fundamental freedoms. The analysis of the relationship of civil society with other attributes of the welfare state are explained that civil society sets dynamic welfare state, plays a great role in its development. The functions of the welfare state are the main activities of the welfare state, expressing its essence.

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