
Про безпеку при затриманні правопорушника

Розглянуто питання, пов’язані із загрозою, ризиком та особистою безпекою під час затримання правопорушника. Особливу увагу звернуто на застосування вогнепальної зброї під час затримання правопорушника.

Development of Model of Integral Fire Risk Management By Correlation-Registration Analysis

This work is devoted to the construction of a mathematical model for controlling integral fire risk using correlation-regression analysis. On the basis of previous work, work is ongoing on developing a risk management method. For this purpose, the second cluster, which includes the Kharkiv region, was analyzed.

Shadow entities as economic danger to Ukraine

It must be remembered that the vast majority of economic crimes happening in the informal economy, which is due to certain objective and subjective reasons difficult to control on the part of legal entities. Strengthening of shadow economy in the world economy is a concern of government and law enforcement agencies of developed countries in the world, leads to the search for common forms of opposition to its negative effects. In the article the shadow economic activities of enterprises and its impact on the state.

Approaches to development and making, management decisions under uncertainty and risk

The article analyzes approaches to development and decision making under uncertainty and risk, which may occur in the line of authority and heads of departments of the State Service of Ukraine of Emergencies. To put in order the process of making management decisions as a combination of formal and informal procedures, to use technology of making decisions rationally, that will make an analysis of previously made decisions, adopts the best management decision.

Analysis of risks appearing in attracting new sale channels in marketing activity diversification of small industrial enterprises

The paper clarifies that taking a positive management decision to diversify  marketing activity in the context of its key element (sales)  is influenced by plenty of risks.  Taking into account the above-mentioned, risks appearing in attracting new sale channels in marketing activity diversification have been analyzed; they have been grouped together according to areas of their appearing. 

Моделювання процесу управління ризиками у мультипроектному середовищі

The paper proposes a method for modeling risk management in multi-project environment. Simulation was conducted and the example was provided in the article.

Системні аспекти інвестування в галузі інформаційних технологій

This article examines an issue of system aspects and investment features in IT sphere, state of IT market and its progress trend. An analysis of the types and investment features in IT, investment evaluation methods was implemented. Objectives tree was developed. A general algorithm structure for evaluating investment in IT branch was proposed.


Розглянуто сутність, основні принципи та завдання реалізації системи ризикменеджменту банку в сучасних умовах, а також вимоги регуляторів щодо забезпечення прозорості його діяльності. Автори розробили схему управління ризиками банку та обґрунтували основні напрями розкриття інформації про них на основі міжнародних підходів у контексті переходу банків на міжнародні стандарти фінансової звітності.