
Instability of the Operating Environment as a Factor of Financial Risks for the Enterprise

The article examines the theoretical aspects of enterprise risk, which is a consequence of the instability of the operating environment. Under financial risk, the authors propose to understand a situation in which the probability of the deterioration of the company's financial condition increases as a result of losses, additional financial costs or losses. The effect of financial risk is damage, loss or overspending of financial resources. It is emphasized that a feature of financial risk, compared to other types of risks, is the measurability of its manifestation and predictability.

Integration of the cost-risk phase trajectories method and the method of finding the optimal value of profitability in the system for diagnosing the financial results of an enterprise

The article presents theoretical and applied approaches to the integration of economic and mathematical methods of cost-risk phase trajectories and finding the optimal profitability of an enterprise.  The initial information of the study is that risk can be one of the main identifiers of the state of fluctuations in the financial results of an enterprise, constantly changing in conditions of uncertainty in doing business, and therefore its value can be determined by various signs of inconsistency, which affects the graphical representation of phase trajectories -- isocl


The research is devoted to measures to increase the level of environmental safety of an industrial enterprise through the implementation of an internal environmental audit. The organization of the environmental management system at the enterprise was studied in terms of resources, operational planning and management, non-compliance, and corrective actions. Documentation regarding the organization of the internal environmental audit conducted at the enterprise, maintenance of environmental documentation, and obtained permits for emissions from stationary sources was considered.

Methodology for managing personnel risks in enterprises

This article analyzes the essence of personnel risks of enterprises and develops a methodology for managing them. The methodology for managing personnel risks of an enterprise primarily involves identifying the risk and identifying its components. It also includes various aspects of the process of managing personnel and the enterprise as a whole, the key elements of which are: personnel risk factors; indicators of personnel risks; probable losses or gains; methods of personnel risk management; budgeting; Implementation deadlines.

Методи оперативного управління ризиками інформаційно-технологічних проектів

Досліджено структуру управління проектною діяльністю в галузі ІТ та методи оперативного управління проектними ризиками ІТ-проектів.

The structure of IT-project management and the methods of operational risk management of IT-projects have been investigated in the article.

Risk: the Essence of the Concept and Classification in the Tourism Industry

Nowadays one of the characteristic features of society's functioning is high uncertainty. This is manifested in the impossibility of predicting future events, which creates fear and apprehension to perform some activity in order to protect oneself from undesirable consequences. Uncertainty is the prerequisite for the risks emergence.

Assessment of the Impact of the Risks of Foreign Economic Activities

Risk is an integral part of the economic activity of any organizations that operate on the market in conditions of competition under the influence of external and internal environments. The word risk is often synonymous with loss, failure, which leads to negative consequences. However, no matter how many scientific or practical works are devoted to this issue, it will continue to be relevant, as the world becomes more changeable and threats have become an integral part of our lives. Therefore, assessing the impact of risks is an important component of management activities.

The Management of Venture Structures in Conditions of Uncertainty

The study examines the problem of managing venture structures in conditions of uncertainty, where modern companies face unprecedented change and risk. The relevance of the research is due to global transformations, geopolitical conflicts, technological innovations and unexpected market changes. The article discusses strategies for managing venture structures in conditions of uncertainty, including adaptation to changes, portfolio diversification, and involvement of experts.

Assessment of landslide hazard risks on the example of the land cadastre of Kosiv district

The purpose of the research presented in this article is to analyse landslide hazards by assessing the impact of the natural component of factors on land use within the Kosiv district of the Ivano-Frankivsk region. The increasing number of negative consequences of landslide processes in the study area, and especially in the Carpathian region of Ukraine, requires the creation of new approaches to land resource assessment and civil engineering to reduce the negative impact of landslides on the environment and human activities. Methods.

Modeling of the error determination in accepting financial decisions in conditions of uncertainty

The article presents the modeling mechanism of the error determination when making financial decisions in conditions of uncertainty and risk.  Researched modeling is based on using the assessing of the diagnosed level of enterprises' economic security with help of mathematical description and calculations of probability transitions matrix and using the research method, the method of direct and reverse interpolation, averaging, statistical and index method, root mean square error method, simulation modeling, probability theory method, matrix method, etc.  It has been studied that the most di