засоби масової комунікації

Organization of work of the information unit of the Presidential administration of the United States of America

The study examines the issue of organization of work of the information unit of the Presidential Administration of the United States of America, in particular the structural units responsible for information policy, relations with political parties, the public and the media.

Freedom of expression via printed massmedia: theoretical legalaspects

In the article it is analyzed legal basis for the freedom of expression with the help of printed mass media. Also, it is defined the notion of freedom of expression as a natural phenomena. It is accentuated on the particularities of freedom of expression via printed mass media protection by European Court of Human Rights. Besides, certain proposals concerning the improvement of the mechanizmof freedomof expression legal enforcement in Ukraine are elaborated.

Legal newspaper discourse: indications, functions, subsorts

The article deals with the legal newspaper discourse, particularly the definition of the concept “legal newspaper discourse” is emphasized; its features are outlined; the functions which express the essence and social purpose of legal discourse in newspaper production are characterized; the subtypes of legal newspaper discourse that is often devoted to trying a case are distinguished.