We studied the gradient dependence of the effective viscosity η for the diluted solution of the polystyrene in toluene under three concentrations ρ = 0.5∙105, 1∙105 and 2∙105 g/m3 and for four polystyrene fractions with average molar weights М = 5.2∙104, 4.4∙104, 3.3∙104 and 1.8∙104 g/mol, in the temperature range of 293–308 K. The experiments have been carried out with the use of rotary viscometer “Rheotest 2.1” at various cylinder rotation angular rate ω (r/s). The analysis of the dependences η(ω) permitted to mark out the frictional ηf and elastic ηe components of the viscosity and to study their dependences on the concentration ρ of the polymer into the solution, on the length of the chain N and on the temperature T. We have obtained the equation for defining the intrinsic viscosity of the polymer solution. It was shown that the basic contribution into the intrinsic viscosity gives the elastic component of the viscosity with taking into account the gradient dependence of ηe.
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