Today there are many scientific and technical knowledge that make construction a reliable, fast and economical. To provides a safe and durable (the fundamental components of reliability) of builnings and structures are developed the methods of reliability theory. Improving the methods of calculation is enables researchers and designers to create effective structures with a preset (expedient) level of reliability, which directly affects to an amount of required materials and, appropriately, a cost of future building objects in general. In this paper the simple analytical method of calculation of indexes for assessing of reliability of reinforced concrete (RC) beams, strengthened with additional reinforcement bars is proposed. The developed method takes into account with a sufficiently high accuracy the number of the stochastic parameters (factors), based on the experimental data of previous investigations, and in any case affects on the actual work of RC structures during their operation. In addition, the list of scientific publications and normative literature, used in writing this article, is posted.

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