Immediate connection of persons by the state border of Ukraine as a factor of non-legal migration: peculiarities of investigating criminal proceedings in the process of implementation of criminal transfer

The article is devoted to the issue of investigating the illegal transfer of persons across the
state border in the course of criminal prosecution. Based on the research of the scientific
positions of certain scholars-processualists on the peculiarities of investigating the illegal
transfer of persons across the state border, the author concluded that the illegal transfer of
persons across the state border of Ukraine is one of the factors that significantly affect the
growth of illegal migration. In this regard, conducting an investigation into the organization of
the illegal transfer of persons across the state border of Ukraine, the management of such
actions or the facilitation of such actions has certain features, both from the standpoint of the
tactical capabilities of conducting certain investigative (search) actions or involvement of
special knowledge provided by the CPC of Ukraine, and with the position of the specifics of the
procedural sources for obtaining evidence in the category of criminal proceedings in the course
of criminal prosecution.

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