The activity of bodies of internal affairs under the conditions of war state


Myroslav Kovaliv, Valeriy Ivacha

War state is a special legal regime introduced in Ukraine or its particular areas in case of armed aggression or threat of attack, the danger of the state independence, its territorial integrity. War state provides for conferring powers to the bodies of state power, the military command and the bodies of local self-government which are necessary for averting the threats and ensuring national security, as well as a temporary restriction of constitutional rights and 246 freedoms of man and citizen and rights and legitimate interests of juridical persons indicating the validity of these restrictions.

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  2. Адміністративна діяльність: навч. посіб. / М. В. Ковалів, З. Р. Кісіль, Д. П. Калаянов та ін. – К. : Правова єдність, 2009. – 432 с.
  3. Про міліцію: Закон України 20.12.1990 р. № 565-XII // Відомості Верховної Ради УРСР. – 1991. – № 4. – Ст. 20.