Method analyzing the investment attractiveness


Knyaz S.V., Georgiadi N.G., Fedorchak A.E.

It the role of investment in ensuring economic development. The features of the impact
of investment on the success of the operation entities. The expediency of attracting investment
enterprises to ensure their economic prosperity. The properties of the process of investing in
the company and found that one of the main parameters that determine the success of this
procedure is the level of investment attractiveness of this company. The existing interpretation
of the essence of the concept of “attractiveness” and formed their own understanding of this
concept. It is proved that the investment attractiveness depends on many factors and therefore
it is necessary to analyze klasteryzuvaty according to the target set of criteria.
The expediency of analyzing investment appeal based on the information that is the
target for investors and considering its susceptibility to certain ways of investing. Thus, in this case, it was investigated the possibility of determining the level of investment attractiveness
“eyes” investors prone or to direct or portfolio investments to. A method of analyzing
investment attractiveness based predisposition to a certain type of investor investment (direct
or portfolio investment). This method is based on the study of the dynamics of the market
value of certain companies that are competitors