Концепція наномодифікування цементуючих систем для швидкотверднучих високофункціональних бетонів


Марущак У. Д. / Marushchak U. D

Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”,
кафедра будівельного виробництва

The article shows that one of the innovative ways of obtaining of High performance rapid-hardening concretes is the use of nanotechnology techniques related to the directed process of structure formation by modifying of nanoscale elements. The strategies for the implementation of nanotechnology in the manufacture of concrete - the adding of primary specially synthesized nanoscale components or direct synthesis of nanoscale objects in the space of material and on the boundary interface are analysed. The packing particles optimizing of Portland cement systems by ultrafine mineral additives determines the density of the primary system, and the availability of energy-active ultrafine particles in mineral additives stimulate nucleation processes in the intergranular space, causing acceleration pozzolanic reactions of ultrafine additives with formation a fibrous CSH-phase in unclinker part of the cement matrix. It was shown that ultrafine particles are characterized by high values of specific interfacial area and “excess surface energy”, promoted more complete synergic effect of other components activity and provided directed control by processes of early structure formation of cementations systems, obtaining high early strength of nanomodified concretes.

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