Informative providing of counteraction offence in the field of the having a special purpose specialized state funds


N. Hula

In the article the question of the relatively informative providing of counteraction to the crimes is considered in the field of the having a special purpose specialized state funds. Basic directions of receipt of information are certain on offences in the marked funds. The features of organization of co-operation are outlined with the purpose of exposure of offences in the field of the having a special purpose specialized state funds. Successful realization of social policy of the state depends on realistic conception of government control a social sphere, balanced system of the use of the accumulated intellectual, organizational, financial resources and timely exposure of offences in the marked sphere. These offences are of the same type and carry latent character and supervisory and lawenforcement organs of Ukraine test insufficiency of the informative providing in relation to the exposure of facts of violations in the marked sphere that requires a permanent improvement.

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