екологічна безпека


The purpose of the study is to determine the levels of hazardous pesticides used in Ukraine and the world and to identify the most dangerous of them.

The main agrochemical manufacturers of Ukraine are analyzed and a list of active pesticide substances is made. The ecotoxic method has been used and the list of the most environmentally hazardous pesticides for the environment and humans has been established. The mechanism of increasing environmental safety by using different pesticides on agricultural lands with acid and alkaline soils is proposed.

Improvement of the Ecological Safety of Road Transport in the Use of Alternative Fuel and Exhaust Converters

The aim of the research was to reduce ecological danger caused by vehicles through the use of combined fuel and improved designs converters of exhaust gases. The use of obsolete structures of a catalytic analyzer on cars and the provision of periodic purging of catalytic units can significantly reduce soot emissions without making changes to the design of the engine. It was established that the use of a mixture of diesel fuel with biofuels (made involving waste) reduces the toxicity of exhaust gases by 30–35 % and saves hydrocarbons.

Environmental safety of water bodies and coastal areas using the method of water environment bioindication by means of macrophytes

The purpose of this work is to improve the ecological state of water bodies and coastal area of the “Enerhoharant” LLC company by implementing a series of environmental measures based on research of their ecosystems and environmental-economic assessment that will enable largely to solve the problem of optimal use of natural resources for the recreational purposes.

Prospects of using methods effective use of alternative energy

The article presents the possibility of the development of science-based concept of integrated processes complex enterprises energy mix (alternative energy and polymer wastes). A review of the literature and the necessary articles written on the subject: as technologies and economies develop and become more complex, energy needs increase greatly; types and methods of alternative energy, as well as the possibility of calculating the basic set of main economic indicators are classified; identified possible areas of work in obtaining the necessary information and results.

Adaptation of iucn classification schemes for environmental safety passports of species

This study aimed to improve the ways of risk assessment for environmental safety. The implementation of “Environmental safety passports of species” is of practical importance for effective risk assessment of individual species impact to the environment, humans and other living organisms. The classification schemes of International Union for Conservation of Nature for evaluating habitats, threats & stresses, use and trade, livelihoods of species were analyzed and adapted to the requirements of environmental safety.

Екологічний моніторинг, управління видобутком і переробкою поліметалевих руд на основі рентгено-радіометричних досліджень

Обрано оптимальний комплекс ядерно-геофізичної апаратури для екологічного моніторингу руд по стінках гірських вирубок та у відбитій гірській масі, у витертих кернових, забійних, шламових і шпурових пробах, а також промислових продуктів збагачувальної фабрики, до якого належать енергодисперсійні рентгенофлюоресцентні (EDXRF) спектрометри: портативний РПП - 12 і лабораторні РЛП - 21 і РЛП - 21Т. Наведено результати їхнього застосування для управління якістю руд і зниження екологічних наслідків впливу шахт і збагачувальної фабрики на оточуюче середовище проживання населення.