
Сomputer system for alerting indoor microclimate critical values

An alert system has been studied, in which sensor data can be collected and analyzed for further processing and action. Notifications are generated when data is compared against certain criteria. The ESP8266 microcontroller has been chosen as the basic device for implementing such a system, as this Espressif controller is a highly integrated Wi-Fi SoC solution that meets the demands of the cyberphysical systems industry in low power consumption, compactness and reliability. This solution is one of the most effective for the alert system.

Weather station for monitoring the microclimate in the room on Arduino platform

In this project was shown approaches to the implementation of a weather station for monitoring the microclimate in the room on Arduino platform. Considered a platform for project development and software environment. The virtual scheme of the weather station is modeled. The main functions of the components are described and their connection to the microcontroller is shown. The process of firmware of the microcontroller is considered. The algorithm of system operation is described. A functional electrical diagram were also constructed.

Cyberphysical system of watering with remote control

In today’s reality, the pace of people’s lives is much higher than it was 30 years ago and it is still growing. At the same time, the amount of information also growing. This information should to be processed constantly, daily, as soon it is received. Production volumes are also not standing still. Such a lively pace of life requires process consistency and continuity. And these processes must be provided by man.

Integration of ESP32-CAM OV2604 Camera With Mobile Messengers

The issue of creating an IP camera based on the ESP-32 CAM module, and integration and transfer of images to the messenger is considered. Provision is made to ensure and increase security during data transmission and interaction with the bot. It is also proposed to create a special telegram bot, using the telegram API, to obtain images from the camera, at any time, when connected to the Internet. The efficiency of the microcontroller at a given task is analyzed. The use of MQTT transmission protocol is proposed, and its advantages for this system are considered.


The main information parameters of the microclimate of greenhouse premises are substantiated, in particular: air temperature, relative humidity, illumination of greenhouse premises, soil temperature, soil humidity, the concentration of carbon dioxide. The cyber-physical system for vegetables’ cultivation with the regulation of temperature-humidity-insolation regime contains three subsystems, namely the subsystem of temperature control, the subsystem of humidity control, and the subsystem of insolation control.

The Features of Microcontroller Systems of Digital Signal Processing

The possibility of creating inexpensive and widely available real-time signal processing devices to solve scientific and technical tasks based on a microcontroller, which is an alternative to the use of specialized digital signal processors, has been investigated. It is shown that the bit rate, clock speed, instruction speed are the basic parameters that are necessary for the implementation of algorithms for digital signal processing based on the microcontroller.

ARDUINO based automated temperature controller system for cryostat

An automated cryostat temperature control system for low-temperature galvanomagnetic measurements has been proposed. The automated system works autonomously with a microcontroller. A system for controlling the power of the heater in the thermostat is operated by the means of pulse-width modulation. The automated control system is based on standard equipment and it is easily available for practical application.

Мікроконтролерний синусно-косинусний обчислювач підвищеної швидкодії

В роботі подано результати дослідження різних модифікацій CORDIC алгоритмів на мікроконтролері для обчислення тригонометричних функцій синуса та косинуса. Описано загальні принципи роботи алгоритмів цього класу, а також кожну з модифікацій зокрема. Кожен з методів реалізований як на мові С так і на асемблері, що дає можливість оцінити якість генерації коду компілятором. Наведені результати порівняння числового моделювання, зокрема по кількості елементарних операцій та точності обчислення для однакових вхідних даних.