An alert system has been studied, in which sensor data can be collected and analyzed for further processing and action. Notifications are generated when data is compared against certain criteria. The ESP8266 microcontroller has been chosen as the basic device for implementing such a system, as this Espressif controller is a highly integrated Wi-Fi SoC solution that meets the demands of the cyberphysical systems industry in low power consumption, compactness and reliability. This solution is one of the most effective for the alert system. On the basis of this microcontroller the technical means of the computer system and the functional software for realization of functions of monitoring and the notification of critical values of a microclimate indoors are designed.
The architecture of the computer system is studied. The choice of the main components of the hardware part of the system is substantiated, the element base is considered. A detailed scheme of the software operation algorithm is offered, as well as the results of the developed computer system for alerting the critical values of the indoor microclimate are demonstrated.
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