
Embedded Systems Multimedia Framework for Microcontroller Devices

The presented  paper attempts to establish a generalized approach to the development of embedded systems multimedia applications. It is formalized in the form of a framework that defines rules and recommenda- tions for a developer on how to implement specific pieces of software that work with multimedia data. The basis for the development process is the division of the system’s func- tionality into stages with the following development of each stage. The framework also defines how touch sensor events may be elaborated.

The systematic approach to organize the preparation аnd the edition of the electronic interactive мultimedia educational literature іn higher education

The formulation of the problem. In modern terms the multimedia and interactivity is the realization of didactics golden rule in the academic literature. However, the creation of such literature is a very complex process that often discourages universities from this direction or leads to release them only pilot edition. After all, the proper system of work organization according to the educational institution specific may succeed in this challenging case in order to interest students in learning subjects and improve the quality of education.

Принципи створення електронних підручників для вищих навчальних закладів на прикладі електронного підручника “Економіка підприємства”

There are the basic principles to construct a modern electronic textbook for high school and requirements for it in the work. Examples of their implementation are demonstrated in the electronic textbook “Economy of enterprise” of N. V. Afanasyev and O. B. Plokha, that was created according to the methodology of V. M. Anokhin. Electronic textbook should combine an interactive and a multimedia electronic publication in it, be available to users from different aspects, has properties of adaptability and to meet the general requirements of the textbooks.

Електронні бібліотеки: мультимедійна складова

Multimedia technology is considered as a factor of qualitative changes of informational environment of digital library. The leading role of digital libraries during storage, processing and dissemination of information in the society of the 21st century is pointed out. Also, the article shows the influence of the library experience on the use of information technology as traditional and automated.

Electronic library: serving people with disabilities

The ways of efficiency improving of information presenting with using of multimedia technology were examined in this article, thus ensuring the use of a new powerful tool for perception of information by disabled persons. The formation peculiarities of multimedia information content for disabled persons were analyzed. This paper considers a digital library as an information system, where the information is formed and collected from different sources, also, it is sorted, structured and intellectually processed.