
The process of developing Ukrainian-Russian-English terminological online dictionary “Ship Piping Systems”

A number of characteristics specific for the process of developing Ukrainian-Russian-English terminological online dictionary “Ship Piping Systems” is described. Its main educational function is highlighted.

Automatization of functions determination and productivity of terms in terminology systems

The essence of the problem is the complexity of the analysis of large-scale terminology systems containing hundreds or thousands of terms. To solve this problem it is suggested to use the method of network analysis proposed by E. F. Skorohodko. The method involves the representation of the terminology system in the form of a matrix and the separation of the initial, derivative and final terms, as well as the definition of their productivity.

Difficult aspects of localizing some terms in applied linguistic

The paper tackles the problem of faithful rendering of the terms ‘parsing’ and ‘stemming’ into the Ukrainian language. Nowadays, the use of these terms is extended beyond the domain of applied linguistics. The authors believe that the Ukrainian equivalents proposed adequately convey the meaning of the English terms.

Synonymy and antonymy in Ukrainian phytoameliorative terminology in special dictionaries of early XXI century

The urgent problems of synonymy and antonymy in the phytoameliorative system are considered; synonyms and antonyms are characterized by different criteria (structure, concept-semantics, morphology); the correlation between synonymous and antonymous relations in the terminology of phytoamelioration is studied.