Historiography research bases of a Ukraine National police’s administrative and legal protection of rights in the property field

: 312 - 319

N. Pavliuk «Historiography research bases of a Ukraine national police’s administrative and legal protection of rights in the property field» http://science.lpnu.ua/law/all-volumes-and-issues/volume-1-number-861-13...

Lviv Institute JSC

The article is devoted historiographic research bases of Ukraine National Police’sadministrative and legal protection of in the property field. The article features the research of historical transformation of scientific views on the importance of police in society. The article proved that the state of scientific solution of the problems and theoretical bases of research of administrative and legal status of the National Police of Ukraine as a subject of protection of rights in the property fieldrelated to the historical stages of civilization and the process of formation of Ukrainian statehood. The scientific literature about the functioning of the police as a public institution for protection of rightsin the property fieldare combined in three groups, which arebasis of the historiography the research of Ukraine National Police’s administrative and legal protection of rights in the property field.

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