Strategic potential for reforming higher education system in Ukraine

: 163 - 169

U. Parpan «Strategic potential for reforming higher education system in Ukraine»

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

The article defines the strategic potential of reforming the system of higher education of Ukraine in the context of the analysis of modern socio-cultural changes and integration processes in the European educational space. It is found out that in the conditions of innovative development the functional role of education changes: from the translator of knowledge and the generator of specific skills and abilities it turns, firstly, into the direct producer of knowledge and, secondly, in the active participant of the process of transformation of this knowledge into new products, technology and services. It is proved that the Ukrainian system of higher education in Ukraine is undergoing transformation processes, which, on the one hand, is conditioned by continuous spontaneous adaptation to changing environmental conditions, on the other hand, the contradiction of reforms.

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