Issues on purpose of penalty taken into account

: 204-209

К. Marysyuk, Nataliya Slotvinska, V. Davidyuk "Issues on purpose of penalty taken into account"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology
Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology, Lviv Polytechnic National University
Postgraduate student of I year of study Specialties 081 “Law”

The article delineates the notions of “person guilty”, “person of the offender” and “subject of crime”. Therefore, groups of features characterizing these concepts are analyzed. It is established that, in order to punish the person responsible for the punishment, the following rules must be observed: in each criminal proceeding, the characteristics characterizing the perpetrator from different sides (physical, mental, social and legal) must be taken into account, including characterizing the perpetrator before, during, and after the commission of the crime; both positive and negative signs; in addition, the court must properly describe what characteristics characterize the offender he takes into account, and what they affect the sentencing

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