Support for the state sovereignty in the field of information relationship

: 202-208
Skochylias-Pavliv O. Support for the state sovereignty in the field of information relationship

Educational-Scientific Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of Administrative and Information Law Ph.D.

The article deals with the problems of support for the state sovereignty in the field of information relationship. Relevance of the topic is confirmed by the necessity to implement the Strategy of Information Security of Ukraine, which requires theoretical and legal studies on support for the state sovereignty in the field of information relationship. It is determined that state sovereignty in the information space is implemented by exercising the state’s information function and its information policy. State sovereignty in the information space is defined as a juridical property of the state being a specific subject of the information and legal relationship, conducting legal regulation both within its territory, and in the global and regional information space. 

The legislative fundamentals of the information and legal support for the state sovereignty include identification of the sphere of the sovereignty implementation, support for the state sovereignty as a goal and principle of the legal regulation of information relationship, specification of the powers of public authorities on its support. Analysis of the goal and principles, approved in the key laws regulating relationship in the information space, shows that, but for some regulations, the mentioned laws do not enshrine the main regulatory elements of the information and legal support for the state sovereignty of Ukraine. In particular, the laws do not identify the sphere of the sovereignty implementation, as well as the goal and principle of the legal regulation of information relationship, do not clearly specify powers of public authorities on its support. Actually, the laws do not approve the mechanism for exercising the state’s information function and the state information policy, which are functional elements of the information and legal support for the state sovereignty of Ukraine.

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