The concept of peace and security in the magisterium of the Catholic Church

: pp.7-11
Received: September 07, 2015
Accepted: October 14, 2015

Oksana Volynets

Lviv Polytechnic National University

In modern threats for existing world order, the acute problem of preserving the world peace and security guarantee for all nations and peoples emerges. This particular research examines the concept of peace and security by using a systematic, structural, and functional methods and content analysis which was proposed by the Magisterium of the Catholic Church. Through the analyzing basic documents of the Roman Pontiffs, the author concludes that the conception proposed by them was based on the need to protect and promote human rights. In addition, it is based on the principles of moral policy of solidarity and humanism. The role and importance of the United Nations in promoting peace is explored. The position of the Catholic Church on the need to rethink the contents of the UN regulations and introduce new mechanisms for overcoming international conflicts as well. In this context, the role of the armed forces is analyzed. The forces, according to Roman Pontiffs hierarchs, have to be designed not for war, but to guarantee national security and conduction of peacekeeping missions. This particular work analyzes the phenomenon of terrorism as a new type of war and the associated problem of refugees. This viewpoint is based on the concept of peace and security in the Magisterium of the Catholic Church. It turns out that the Church insists on the need to ensure all refugees’ fundamental rights guaranteed by international humanitarian law. The universal mechanisms to overcome international conflicts are considered. These mechanisms include the creation of an effective world power that would act as a moral authority for the international community and operate towards peace and security. Those universal mechanisms were proposed by the Catholic Church.

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