correlation function

Mathematical modeling of impurity diffusion process under given statistics of a point mass sources system. II

Modeling of the impurity diffusion process in a layer under the action of a system of random point sources is carried out.  Mass sources of different power are uniformly distributed in a certain internal interval, that may also coincide with the entire region of the layer.  The statistics of random sources is given.  The solution of the initial-boundary value problem is found as the sum of the homogeneous problem solution and the convolution of the Green's function with the system of the random point sources.  Averaging of the solution is performed on the internal subinterval and in the ent

Комп’ютерна вимірювальна система для визначення швидкості звуку в матеріалах

Проаналізовано недоліки ультразвукового імпульсного методу. Запропоновано енергетичний критерій та спосіб вимірювання затримки поширення акустичних коливань. Теоретично обґрунтовано високу завадостійкість запропонованого способу. Розроблено структурну схему реалізації та доведено статистичним моделюванням високу завадостійкість способу.

The principle of creating a "smart" electricity meter in electric traction networks with stochastic electromagnetic processes

Voltage and current are sharply variable random (stochastic) processes in traction networks of DC electric transport systems. As a result, electronic and hybrid electricity meters used in electric systems measure electric power with a large relative error that significantly exceeds that of their accuracy class. In this paper the principle of developing smart meters for accounting the electricity transmitted from traction substations to electric rolling stock through a traction network is proposed.

Correlation analysis of connection between the dynamics of solar plasma and generation of the earthquakes

To study the 11-year Sun dynamics as an external process that influences the dynamics of the tectonic plates of the planet Earth held a lot of studies based on such a large time duration of this period. But as is known, the frequency of the destruction of tectonic plates may have other timing parameters that may be shorter or longer than 11 or 22. This paper presents a correlation analysis of short-period permissible minimum time interval of the earthquake processes and dynamics of the solar plasma.