
Prototype of Information System of Analysis of Structural and Logical Schemes of Educational Programs

The article contains the results of the analysis of the current situation of using system solutions in the creation and improvement of educational programs. During the analysis and research of the subject area the factors influencing the comprehensive development of the student are determined. These factors and curricula have also been linked. The basic terms and key concepts of this subject area are analyzed and their influence and importance are determined.

Higher Journalism Education in the Soviet Socialist Republic of Moldova: Conceptual Approaches

The higher journalism education in the Moldovan Soviet Socialist Republic (MSSR) was initiated in the ’60s of the last century, as a specialty at the Philological Faculty in Moldavian State University. The conceptualization of the Moldovan higher journalism education was made possible thanks to:

Концептуальні засади та архітектура бази даних «Навчальні плани»

Запропоновано концептуальні засади та проаналізовано особливості архітектури бази даних «Навчальні плани», призначеної для автоматизації планування та управління навчальним процесом у великому багатопрофільному університеті.

This article presents conceptual framework and features of architecture of the database «Curriculum», which is designed to automate planning and management of educational process in large university with many profile.