Higher Journalism Education in the Soviet Socialist Republic of Moldova: Conceptual Approaches

: 88-95
Universitatea de Stat din Moldova

The higher journalism education in the Moldovan Soviet Socialist Republic (MSSR) was initiated in the ’60s of the last century, as a specialty at the Philological Faculty in Moldavian State University. The conceptualization of the Moldovan higher journalism education was made possible thanks to:

  1. development of the curriculum and the methodology for teaching specialized disciplines;
  2. creation of the technical base for practical training in radio and television journalism;
  3. development of didactic materials for students studying in the national language;
  4. formation of the teaching staff that provided the training of the journalists to be;
  5. creation of the methodological-instructive fund for journalism sphere;
  6. initiation of the first national scientific research in the journalism field, including the regional one etc.

The role of these processes is especially important, because they determined the specifics of the higher journalism education in the MSSR, this way founding the modern Moldovan university journalism education.

In the MSSR the higher social-humanistic education, including journalism education, was more created and developed as a process of ideological education than as a professional training of the workforce. It was aimed to the formation of a new person of a socialist type and to the building of a communist society, because of this didactic process was censored very strictly. Despite this, the higher journalism education of that period played an important role in the specifics’ formation of not only the Moldovan modern didactic process in journalism, but also in the modern Moldovan journalism per general.

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