Tatiana Burakhovych

Subbotin Institute of Geophysics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
32 Palladin av. , Kyiv, 03680

Burakhovych T.K. is a specialist in the research of deep structure of the lithosphere different geological regions of Ukraine by methods of geoelectrics.

Main directions of scientific research: Development of the technique of processing and interpretation of  Earth's electromagnetic studies; Construction of deep models of distribution of electrical resistance of the earth's crust and upper mantle; Detection of high electrical conductivity anomalies in the Earth's interior and interpretation of their nature in order to find mineral deposits; Study and forecasting of seismic hazard and other dangerous natural phenomena.

As a result of experimental studies of the electromagnetic methods, interpretations, construction of geoelectric three-dimensional models on the territory of Ukraine within the geological structures of different ages from the Precambrian Ukrainian Shield to the Carpathians - the north-eastern branch of the alpine folded geosynclinal region of Europe, revealed anomalous areas of increased electrical conductivity in the earth's crust and upper mantle. Their nature is different and the possible causes of education are just as different.

A new strategy for the search for minerals, part of which is geoelectric research, which makes it possible to detect the connection of high-conductivity anomalies with suture zones, zones of deep faults, metasomatic transformation of rocks, with metallogenic regions, ore nodes and geochemical anomalies, is substantiated and summed up. Electrical conductivity anomalies is one of the main factors determining the manifestation of geodynamic processes in the Earth, and the relationship between electrical conductivity anomalies in the earth's crust and the upper mantle and cells of seismic events that occurred on the territory of Ukraine has been investigated.

Articles published in Academic Journals of Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House