Internet Information Retrieval, Parallel Sorting, and Rank-Order Filtering Based on Dynamical Neural Circuits of Maximal Value Signal Identification Among Discrete-Time Signals

: pp. 10 – 15

Tymoshchuk P.

Lviv Polytechnic National University, CAD Department

The design of mathematical models and corresponding functional block-diagrams of discrete-time neural networks for Internet information retrieval, parallel sorting, and rankorder filtering is proposed. The networks are based on the discrete-time dynamical K-winnerstake-all (KWTA) neural circuits which can identify the K largest from N input signals, where 1£ < K N is a positive integer. Implementation prospects of the networks in an up-to date digital hardware are outlined. In contrast to other comparable analogs, the networks are expected to combine such properties as high precision, speed and reliability of signal processing, low computational and hardware implementation complexity.

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