Improvement the Security of the Enterprise’s Network Infrastructure in Conditions of Modern Challenges and Limited Resources

: pp. 155 - 164
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of Information Protection
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of Information Protection

challenges, the main stages of the implementation of security solutions, which makes it possible to eliminate potential system vulnerabilities and determine possible information losses, are considered. It is noteworthy that global digitalization gives rise to the development of new technologies and approaches in the information industry. Devices, mechanisms and applications that were previously autonomous are becoming nodes of a global information network. Such a transformation of information technologies significantly expands the landscape of the implementation of cyber threats. Every year, traditional models of computer network security lose their relevance, therefore, in order to protect them from modern cyber threats, it becomes necessary to develop and implement new approaches that would increase the effectiveness of the protection of information systems.

Potential vectors of attacks on the network infrastructure of the enterprise based on the traditional security model were analyzed, typical ways to eliminate them were considered, the components of the Zero Trust Network Access security model were studied, and a number of measures were proposed to increase the resistance of the enterprise network infrastructure to cyber threats.

Taking into account the current trends in the spread of cyber threats and the analysis of selected measures to counter them, the criticality of threat implementation is determined for each of the developed ways of increasing the level of security of the enterprise’s network infrastructure, and the sequence of their implementation is proposed, taking into account the complexity of implementing its protection with limited enterprise resources.

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