computer network

Improvement the Security of the Enterprise’s Network Infrastructure in Conditions of Modern Challenges and Limited Resources

challenges, the main stages of the implementation of security solutions, which makes it possible to eliminate potential system vulnerabilities and determine possible information losses, are considered. It is noteworthy that global digitalization gives rise to the development of new technologies and approaches in the information industry. Devices, mechanisms and applications that were previously autonomous are becoming nodes of a global information network. Such a transformation of information technologies significantly expands the landscape of the implementation of cyber threats.

Модифікований алгоритм Гоморі-Ху для оптимізації мереж, основаних на технології SDH

Запропоновано модифікований алгоритм Гоморі-Ху для оптимізації мереж, орієн- тованих на технологію SDH.

Modified Gomory-Hu SDH oriented algorithm for network optimization is proposed.

Модифікований алгоритм Гоморі–Ху для оптимізації топології комп’ютерних мереж

Запропоновано модифікований алгоритм Гоморі–Ху для оптимізації топології мереж, орієнтованих на стандартну ієрархію швидкостей.

Modified Gomory–Hu standard bit rate oriented algorithm for network topology optimization is proposed.


Packet routing efficiency is and will remain one of the major factors that have a major impact on a network performance and a quality of service. One of the most common routing protocols used in autonomous Internet systems is the Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) protocol. The OSPF protocol performs packet transmission using the shortest paths, calculated according to a certain, but only one criterion. Default criterion is channels bandwidth, but in general any criteria can be selected.

Research and Design of the Multifunctional Cyber-Physical System of Testing Computer Performance in WAN

A multifunctional cyber-physical system for monitoring and testing remote computers in the WAN has been developed. This cyber-physical system has been built using microservice architecture. The system has used a website as a graphical interface, which in turn communicates with the main query separator, namely a web server. In addition, the database and the AES-256 encryption algorithm has been used to simplify data work, and to increase system security from external interventions.

Computer mobile network of the city of Lviv

The problem of the choice of non-cable technology on the basis of which a network for data transmission on the territory of the city of Lviv, including dense buildings and those for which the cable network is not relevant, is considered. Several basic technologies of wireless communication are considered and technology is proposed for solving this problem.

Маршрутизація пакетів для автономних систем Інтернету з врахуванням трьох критеріїв

  The method of packets route selection in autonomous systems within internet is proposed. The method takes into account the impact of the three criteria to select the route. Route selection is made based on the minimization of total relative deviation by three criteria.

Assessing Protection Means of Information Resources

The paper considers specifics of information resources protection in corporate networks and systems. An approach to assessing protection means is described which allows to reduce their deployment cost and adapts easily to specific needs of any organization with an allowance for specifics of its activities and business. Such an approach makes it possible to describe information resources more precisely through their characteristic vulnerabilities and resources cost. It also helps to rank the risks and information resources according to their criticality for organization activities.

Biometric Data Based Method of Adaptive User Authentication in Computer Networks

According to the analysis of peculiarities of data protection in computer networks the necessity of usage of biometric data in user authentication services is founded. Adaptive method of user authentication in multilevel data protection system of computer network based on biometric data of fingerprints is introduced.

The problem of optimal distribution of tasks between computers on the network

The efficient computational algorithm for optimal allocation of tasks between computers on the network has been developed. It has been designed by using dynamic programming method. The numerical example that demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm has been solved.