Today in the world deepened researches on the synthesis and study of theproperties of hydrogel materials are held due to their promising use in many fields,in particular in pharmaceutics, electronic devices and engineering, biomedicine,bioengineering. Physico-chemical properties of hydrogels, so the spheres of theirpossible use are determined by the nature of the polymer, the degree of structuring,the ratio of components of the polymer: water. Therefore, obtaining andresearching of the properties and characteristics of polymer hydrogels is animportant and topical task of modern polymer chemistry.
The purpose of this work is obtaining of hydrogel composites usingperoxidated polysaccharides for forming a strong sewn structure and studying thekinetics of swelling such polymer hydrogels.
In the research work, peroxidated samples of natural polymers were used.Spatially sewn polymeric hydrogels filled with peroxidatedpolysaccharides, inparticular starch and cellulose were obtained by graft-polymerization ofhydrophilic functional monomers in aqueous media. To do this, the process wascarried out in aqueous solution of monomers (acrylamide, acrylic acid) in thepresence of peroxidated polysaccharide. The study of kinetics of swelling andrelative change of clearance samples in water was made to characterize thereceived hydrogel composites. The constants of the velocity of swelling ofhydrogels were calculated from the kinetic equation considering the process as thesecond-order kinetics.
Basedontheresultsofthestudiesofswelling, itwasfoundthattheoptimalcontentofpolysaccharidesinhydrogelcompositesshouldbe 10-20% byweight. Analyzingtheformsoftheobtainedkineticcurves, itcanbeseenthatthesynthesizedspecimensdemonstrate a strong, spatially-stitchedstructurethatcanmaintainitsshapeandelasticpropertiesforlong-termstorageinanaqueousmedium. Theintra-molecularinteractionofthegraftedmacromoleculesofthecopolymeronthesurfaceofthepolysaccharidecreatesadditionalconnectionsforthestrength f theobtainedsamples. Itisalsonoticeablethatcompositeswithgraftedcopolymersofclose-fittingsyntheticmonomershave a higherdegreeofswelling.
Onthebasisoftheresearch, a numberofcompositehydrogelmaterialswereobtainedonthebasisofnaturalpolymers - starch, celluloseandsynthetic - polyacrylamide, polyacrylicacid. Thesynthesizedspecimensdemonstrate a strong, three-dimensionalstructurewithsignificantlevelsofsorbingcapabilityintheaquaticenvironment. Polysaccharidesmodifiedwithperoxidecooligomerdemonstrateexcellentpropertiesofthecrosslinkingagentofacrylamideandacrylicacidpolymericmaterials. Therateconstantsoftheswellingprocesswerecalculated. Thehydrogelcompositesobtainedaccordingtotheproposedmethodhaveexcellentsorbingpropertiesandarecapableoflong - termstorageinanaqueousmediumwiththepreservationoftheworkingformandelasticproperties.
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