Actual problems in the study of the drying process is to establish the relationship between moisture content and temperature of the material in the process of dehydration.
This makes the choice of optimal operational parameters and calculation systems not only based on the kinetics of dehydration,
but also taking into account the change in temperature of the material in the process of drying and heating the product to the maximum permissible level. Hydraulic resistance of wet material layer is an important parameter for the assessment of energy, efficiency, and economic feasibility of the process of dehydration. The purpose of this study is to study the hydrodynamics of a layer of paste-like materials of organic origin (baker's yeast) by the method of filtration of the coolant through the molded layer. Using the obtained results will make it possible to reduce energy costs and create a method for calculating design parameters of dryers for dehydration of paste-like materials.
Research of hydrodynamics of filtration drying coolant through the layer of material towards the layer of material → perforated baffle performed for pasty materials, organic origin - yeast biomass. And depending on the velocity of the coolant determine the nature of the change in the hydraulic resistance of the dry material, as well as the influence on the mechanism of drying and kinetics of the process.
Since filtration drying has a zonal character, changes in its structure are due to the movement of moisture from the upper layers to the bottom. Increasing the porosity of the layer in the process of its dehydration causes a
decrease in hydraulic resistance and an increase in the velocity of the coolant.
As the baker's yeast belong to pasty materials, the overall picture changes in hydraulic resistance and fictitious rate of coolant during drying is similar to the one that received as a result of hydrodynamic studies wet layer.
On the basis of experimental studies, the influence of the nature of paste-like materials of organic origin (baker's yeast), the structure of the layer on the mechanism of filtration of the coolant through the created layer has been established.
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