By the mixing in the melt of various polyolefins is being obtained the materials of the necessary specific properties which can not be obtained during the synthesis. Due to the wide range of molecular masses, there is a relative gradation of low pressure polyethylene according to their values. Following to the classification adopted, the low-pressure polyethylene is divided into pretended standard low pressure polyethylene with molecular weight from 30 thousand to 700 thousand and ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) of low pressure with a molecular weight of 1 million and more. UHMWPE has higher physical, mechanical and chemical properties in comparison with standard grades of low density polyethylene. On the other hand, UHMWPE during the melting does not become in viscid state, but in highly elastic state, that means, the melt has a high viscosity.
However, it should be noted that the processing of UHMWPE and compositions on its basis is difficult. Therefore, it is quite reasonable to study the creation of technological compositions based on UHMWPE that would have high strength and stable properties characteristic of the polymer and, at the same time, would be able to reproduce by traditional, highly-efficient methods such as injection molding or extrusion.
The purpose of the work is to develop a technological scheme for the production of polymer blends based on ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene. The optimum conditions determination of the technological mode of compositions processing by the injection molding and extrusion.
An attempt to recycle ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene by injection molding, leads to an obtaining of low-quality product. The research have proved that the most suitable method for obtaining a homogeneous technological mixture of good properties is the method of combined mixing in a plunger cylinder, and then in a screw plasticizer of the injection machine: mixing time 1,5–2 minutes, temperature 200–220 oC at the screw velocity 50–120 rpm. This method allows combining the final stage of mixing with the stage of product formation by injection molding.
Thereby, the optimal mixing conditions were determined and a technological scheme with an operating card was developed for obtaining of polymer blends based on ultra- high molecular weight polyethylene by industrial methods such as injection molding and extrusion.
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