: 21-26
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

Natural clinoptilolite is used in a variety of technological processes, in particular as sorbents. In order to achieve high technological and techno-economic indicators of the processes in which zeolite is used, it is necessary to provide them with the highest possible sorption ability. This is achieved by activating natural zeolites by physical, physico-chemical and chemical methods. One of the promising methods of activating natural zeolites is their treatment in the field of ultrahigh-frequency electromagnetic radiation.

The activation of clinoptilolite by its dehydration was carried out under the influence of ultrahigh-frequency radiation at a frequency of 2.45 GHz.

It is established that the process of dehydration of clinoptilolite in an electromagnetic field is characterized by a certain threshold value of instantaneous radiating energy and almost does not depend on the integral value of energy generated over a certain period of time. Thus, in the range of power values 20 ... 250 W, the mass loss does not exceed 0.21%. With a power of 360 and 525 W, the moisture release begins immediately after generating ultrahigh-frequency energy; the initial velocities of dehydration were 0.019 and 0.025 (g H2O) / (100 g zeolite) respectively.

The differential analysis of the dependence of the mass loss of zeolite, as well as the integral degree of its dehydration, has established that the value of the threshold power of the ultrahigh-frequency radiation, in which the expressed dehydration occurs, is 300 ... 310 W. It is found out that in the range of power transfer of ultrahigh-frequency radiation crystalline hydrate water is practically not allocated. The selective action of ultrahigh-frequency radiation relative to water is confirmed by the fact that the temperature of the mineral during the activation increases by only 2 ... 3 degrees.

The static sorption capability of activated clinoptilolite in the ultrahigh-frequency field for formaldehyde is twice that for non-activated, and practically equal to the sorption capacity activated by the thermal method. However, the energy costs for electromagnetic activation are lower by 8-10 times than in the case of thermal.

An increase in the sorption capacity of clinoptilolite in relation to SO2 is achieved with an increase in the power of ultrahigh-frequency radiation and the duration of processing of zeolite. The complete static capacity of clinoptilolite, activated by the power of ultrahigh-frequency radiation of 525 W for 20 minutes, is reached in 40 minutes. and is equal to 3.6 g SO2 per 100 g zeolite, which is 6 times more than in the case of zeolite activation for 5-10 minutes.

Promising is the combined activation of clinoptilolite by sequential treatment of solutions of chemical agents and in the electromagnetic field.

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