The fundamental drawbacks of world industrial such us petrochemical and reprocessing are instability of the properties and inhomogeneity of product lots over the year. The principle of formulating the replacements for the stock is one of the main causes why the quantity does not meet the replacements of the standards. The tendency toward a permanent increase in cost of the feedstocks is also observed on the world market.
The feedstocks for synthetized of reactivity olygomers (ROs) are pyrolysis, thermal cracking oil, petroleum fraction and natural gas. The starting materials for production of ROs come from the deep cracking of petroleum distillates, and usually exhibit wide boiling ranges. Most of the constituents can be identified by gas chromatography. As received by resin manufacturers, these crude feeds fall mainly into the following categories: C4-C5-C6 - aliphatic and cycling streams containing varying amounts of piperylene, isoprene, cyclopentadiene and various monoolephins in addition to nonpolymerizable paraffinic compounds; C8-C9-C10 - aromatic streams containing indene, vinyltoluene isomers, styrene, a-methylstyrene, and dicyclopentadiene in varying amounts in addition to various ethyl- and polymethylbenzenes (methyl- and higher homologues of these monomers are also believed to be present); dicyclopentadiene streams containing 45 – 75 % DCPD; streams of over 90 % purity are also available.
The aim of the work is to obtained ROs on the base C5 fraction of by-product ethylene production. The main law of cooligomerization of dienes and cycling compounds in C5 fraction have been obtained by pirolysis of petroleum fraction and diesel fuel. The effective initiators of the process have been selected and it gave the possibility to obtain the high yeilds of ROs. The conversion of the C5 fraction monomers have been determinated. Our early studies were concerned on the base C5 fraction with a,b–unsaturated carboxylic acids, their anhydrides. In this work we have investigated the influence how the quantity of functional groups , than dualilphtalat, bonded to the ROs rings affect their properties.
These olygomers are used in a wide variety of materials including adhesives, printing inks, hot-melt coatings, rubber articles, caulks and sealants, floor coverings, textiles, paints and varnishes, and plastics and chewing gum. The possibility use ROs for protective coatings on the base epoxy resins obtaining was examined. The by-products of ROs production, namely distillates, are used as solvents in lacquer-paint industry and as a component of boilers.
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