Development of the spray composition based on extractof eucalyptus globulus

: 76-82
Department of Technology of Biologically Active Substances, Pharmacy & Biotechnology, Lviv National Polytechnic
National University Lviv Polytechnic
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

The high demand among the population of Ukraine uses the preparation Chlorophyllipt containing the extract of eucalyptus rod-shaped Eucalyptus viminalis. The trend of modern pharmaceutical development, including using the plant material, is the orientation and approach to the standards of the European Pharmacopoeia, which recommends as a raw material for the production of phytopreparations eucalyptus spherical Eucalyptus globulus.

In practice, the leaves of both species are used to make phytopreparations. The drugs produce antibacterial (bacteriostatic and bactericidal) activity against staphylococcus and streptococcus, also show antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antiviral, astringent, hemostatic, analgesic, antioxidant, antidiabetic, repellant. On the domestic market, based on the extract of eucalyptus, there are medicines in the form of alcohol and oil solutions, tablets and sprays. The spray is very effective and convenient drug form, but it is only produced by the "Experimental Plant" GNTSLS Ltd. "Kharkiv.

According to sources, eucalyptus spherical Eucalyptus globulus has a more diverse chemical composition and its pharmacological action is somewhat wider than eucalyptus Eucalyptus viminalis. The urgency of replacing one type of raw material with another in the creation of medicinal dosage forms, in particular spray, is evident.

The purpose of the study is to substantiate the feasibility of switching to another type of plant material in the production of chlorofilipot, to develop a new qualitative composition of the spray on its basis.

As a result of the study, Eucalyptus viminalis was replaced by Eucalyptus globulus authorized by the European Pharmacopoeia, as well as the replacement of extractant (toxic chloroform - low toxic and cheaper ethyl acetate). The optimal concentration of alcoholic extract of spherical eucalyptus (2 mg / ml) was determined, which provides bactericidal action and antibacterial activity of the preparation. Among the studied variants of the composition of the spray, an optimal one was chosen which satisfies all parameters (solubility, transparency, antimicrobial activity), which testifies to the qualitative and effective compatibility of the components; it was proposed to change the technological parameters of the production of condensed Eucalyptus globulus eucalyptus extract and develop a new qualitative composition of the spray on its basis.

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