The synthesis and investigation of swelling hydrogels composite filling by gelatin

: 145-152
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

Hydrogels are one of the perspective classes of polymer systems that embrace numerous biomedical and pharmaceutical applications. Hydrogels have become very popular due to its unique properties such as high water content, softness, elasticity and biocompatibility. Natural and synthetic hydrophilic polymers can be physically or chemically crosslinked to obtain hydrogels. Their resemblance to living tissue opens up many possibilities for applications in biomedical fields. Hydrogels are widely used for various biomedical applications − tissue engineering, molecular imprinting, monopoles as dressings, drug delivery and other.

The aim of the present research is obtaining hydrogel composites filled with gelatin for cosmetic application.

By graft-polymerization of hydrophilic functional monomers in an aqueous medium obtained spatially crosslinked polymer hydrogels filled with gelatin. For this purpose, a process conducted in water solution at different ratio of monomers (acrylamide (АкАм), acrylic acid (AcA)) in presence gelatin (the initiator K2S2O8, temperature 60 °C during 2 hours) and modified gelatin by peroxide oligomer VEP-MA (2% by mass, temperature 60 °C during 5 hours). In the case of using the modified gelatin of the initiation of polymerization occurred due to the decomposition of peroxide groups immobilized to the surface of the gelatin molecules. The study of the kinetics of swelling by gravimetric method, determined the rate constants of swelling and change of the sizes of the samples obtained in the swelling process of the hydrogel composites. Taking into account, the presented results are noticeable sharp increase in the maximum values of swelling samples graft-copolymers АкАм and AcA in comparison with the samples of grafted polyacrylamide. This is probably due to the formation of an additional stitched mesh between grafted copolymere through centers of interaction between functional groups of macromolecules –NH2 and –COOH. Composites filled with modified gelatin show mass storage, and therefore shape, with long periods in a water environment. This suggests that the modified gelatin has the satisfactory properties of the crosslinked agent and optimal content in hydrogel composites must present 5% by mass.

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