polymer composite


The influence of the nature of modifiers of different natures on the properties of epoxy resin is investigated. The influence of modifiers, in particular starch, epoxidized soybean oil, and polyvinyl butyral, on the physical and mechanical properties of epoxy composites is determined. The influence of the nature of the modifier on the thermophysical properties of modified epoxy resins is determined. It is found that both chemical and physical processes in the component system have a significant influence on the nature of thermomechanical dependencies.

Polymeric Composite Materials of Tribotechnical Purpose with a High Level of Physical, Mechanical and Thermal Properties

Polymeric composites (PC) of tribological applications with a high level of physical, mechanical and thermal properties based on aromatic polyamide and silica gel have been developed. Regularities have been obtained that describe the effect of the filler content in PC on the friction coefficient, temperature on the friction surface and the intensity of linear wear rate of the studied PC-steel friction pair. It was found that the optimal silica gel content in the polymer matrix is 10 wt %.

Synthesis and Characterization of Dye-Doped Polymer Films for Non-linear Optical Applications

In this work polymer nonlinear optical (NLO) materials in the form of thin films based on 3,7,3’,4’-tetrahydroxyflavone and diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A were obtained and investigated. It was found that the influence of the chromophore concentration on values of the macroscopic NLO susceptibilities (χ(2) of doped polymer films has extreme character. The maximum value of χ(2) is 6.11 pm/V at the concentration of dopant 20 wt %.


In the food industry and public catering establishments of Ukraine, a sufficiently large amount of oil is left, which was first used during the roasting and cooking of various food, such as vegetables and fish during canning, french fries, pancakes, pies and the like. At high temperatures during contact with the food and moisture contained in it, the processes of thermal decomposition, oxidation, polymerization and so on, the oil accumulates harmful to man substances such as aldehydes, acids, ketenes, polycyclic compounds, etc. In this case, the oil becomes unsuitable for further food use.

Effect of Low-Melting Glass on Thermal and Physical Properties of Polymer Composites

Low-melting glass has been synthesized in the system PbO-ZnO-B2O3 and Na2O-P2O5-MoO3 and its composition has been developed. The effect of the glass chemical composition on the softening temperature and the change of appearance during the heating have been established. Polypropylene-based composite with different content of glass powder as a filler was obtained. Thermophysical properties of the composites were determined. Introduction of glass powder to the polypropylene composition damaged the material structure homogeneity.

The synthesis and investigation of swelling hydrogels composite filling by gelatin

Hydrogels are one of the perspective classes of polymer systems that embrace numerous biomedical and pharmaceutical applications. Hydrogels have become very popular due to its unique properties such as high water content, softness, elasticity and biocompatibility. Natural and synthetic hydrophilic polymers can be physically or chemically crosslinked to obtain hydrogels. Their resemblance to living tissue opens up many possibilities for applications in biomedical fields.

Дослідження процесів біодеградації целюлозовмісних композитів у едафотопах рекреаційно-паркової зони м. Львова

 The biodegradation of cellulose composite in different edaphic conditions is researched. The research is conducted on a sample of biodegradable composite material on the bases of polypropylene filled with cellulose. Досліджено біодеструкцію целюлозовмісного композиту в різних едафічних умовах. Дослідження здійснено на зразку біодеградабельного композитного матеріалу на основі поліпропілену, наповненого целюлозою.