Overview of usageof glass in medical practice such as surgery, diagnosis, therapy, dentistry and endoprosthetics. Types of glass which were reviewed: glass containers; optical, absorbent and liquid glass; glass fiber; X-ray and biological glass. A brief description of each material and the specifics of its use are provided also.
Optical glass is for making lenses and mirrors, which are mostly used in diagnostics, surgery and therapy.
Liquid glass, made of colloidal solution, is mostly applied on the surface of products for protection against bacteria and UV radiation. Due to it’s property it is used as a biological coating for medical implants.
Fiber glass is used in every field of medicine from diagnostics to surgery and dentistry. Thus, an optical fiber is used in diagnostics, surgery, endoprosthetics and therapy, and dental floss and pins in dentistry.
The analysis of articles on dentistry, surgery and endoprosthetics using biocompatible glass is presented. Strontium, phosphorus (V), niobium (V) and aluminum oxide were introduced into the composition of the system.
Highlighted biocompatible glass, namely, glass ion-cement (GIC). The types and classification, the technology of cooking and obtaining GIC are considered, as well as the emphasis on modifying the "traditional" GIC with niobium oxide. Also, the work of scientists working on glass modifications was analyzed.
The technology of obtaining glass ionomer cements using the sol-gel method is also given.
Biocompatible glass, specifically , glass ion-cement (GIC) has been highlighted. The types and classification, the technology of cooking and obtaining GIC are considered, as well as the emphasis on modifying the "traditional" GIC with niobium oxide. Also, the work of scientists working on glass modifications was analyzed.
The technology of obtaining glass ionomer cements using the sol-gel method is given.
The process of obtaining glass of 4SiO2-3Al2O3-xNb2O5-2CaO system, as well as its structure and mechanical tests is described. The graph of the X-ray phase analysis of experimental powders is presented and conclusions are made on the influence of Nb2O5 on the characteristics of glass. Which showed a positive effect of Nb2O5 on the glass system, such as: provides biocompatibility, reduces temperature tg, increases the value of microhardness and diameter of the tear strength.
It is also concluded that the use of glass in the medical sector is increasingly deserving of attention, as today medicine is increasingly using this material.
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