Public Relations in the System of Strategic Communications of the Armed Forces of Ukraine as a Typical Model of Communication in Public Government

: pp. 57 - 70
National Academy of Land Forces named after Hetman P. Sagaidachny
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine

The article considers the peculiarities of public relations in the system of strategic communications of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, defines their role and place from the standpoint of public administration. The main components of the functioning of the strategic communications system in NATO member countries are analyzed. Emphasis is placed on NATO’s strategic communications standards and policies. Strategic communications in the field of public administration are aimed at the interoperability of government and society. But depending on the structure of public administration, this area has its own specifics in terms of content and communicative aspects. Differing in functional composition and scope of coverage, all structures of public administration are still interconnected. The main tasks and directions of strategic communications in the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the context of reforming the military sphere and ensuring the effectiveness of the course of Ukraine ’s membership in NATO are substantiated. In the system of strategic communications of the world’s leading countries, the work with specialists in public relations of the armed forces has been built as efficiently as possible. The article also mentions the system of strategic communications of the leading countries of the world, in particular the United States of America and Canada, which have built the requirements for their public relations specialists in the armed forces as productively and conveniently as possible. Specialists of units of the armed forces at the tactical, operational and strategic levels are described, which always meet all possible information challenges of time and new circumstances, which is extremely relevant for use in the domestic army.

Therefore, aspects of these developments are also considered in the article as an important experience that should be actively implemented in the domestic army.

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