Formation of personnel potential in the amalgamated territorial communities of Ukraine

Dnipro University of Technology
Dnipro University of Technology
Dnipro University of Technology
Dnipro University of Technology

Problem settings. In Ukraine, the formation of amalgamated territorial communities (ATCs) is carried out in the process of administrative-territorial reform implementation. Resilience of the community is ensured by strong financial and infrastructural bases and staffing potential. Determination of the main directions of ensuring the formation of the personnel potential of local self-government bodies will increase the professional level of provision of administrative services at the local level.

Recent research and publications analysis. Analysis of scientific publications, allowed to establish the following: the problem of skilled personnel shortage in the amalgamated territorial communities is objective in nature. Most newly elected local government officials have little experience to work with much more resources, powers and responsibilities.

The category “managerial potential” reveals the integrative capability of local governments and residents of the territorial community to effectively use and develop the potential of the territorial community, to manage the territory for its development. Measures have been initiated for staffing of ATCs functioning in different regions of Ukraine.

Highlighting previously unsettled parts of the general problem. In the conditions of decentralization of government in Ukraine, the issue of transferring the functions of management and implementation of administrative services to the basic level, that is, a newly formed amalgamated of territorial communities, remains relevant. The objective condition for the successful implementation of reforms is the availability of personnel in the ATCs who have the necessary competencies to carry out administrative functions and provide administrative services to members of the community. The question of defining the main directions of ensuring the formation of the personnel potential of ATCs in the current conditions of conducting administrative and territorial reform in Ukraine is relevant and requires further research.

Paper main body. The staffing potential of ATCs is characterized by a set of possibilities and capabilities of highly skilled workers to apply knowledge, skills and abilities for organizational and managerial decisions in order to achieve strategic goals of development and ensure the competitiveness of the community. The formation of amalgamated territorial communities in Ukraine is characterized by positive dynamics. The financial capacity of the community is a guarantee of the successful formation of the human resources potential of the territories. At the same time, human resources play a leading role in the functioning of the community. The effectiveness of their use affects the performance of the community and the achievement of its competitive advantages.

The conducted analysis of the main tasks of the organizations and institutions that promote the professional development of local self-government officials has made it possible to isolate the directions of ensuring the formation of the staffing potential of the ATCs in the interaction of employment centers, local government development centers, higher educational institutions and all-Ukrainian associations. Successful implementation of decentralized government reforms requires the availability of staff with the necessary competencies in the ATCs. These competencies can be divided according to their importance in terms of ensuring functioning and development of ATCs.

Higher educational establishments should act as initiators of providing a highly professional, intellectual, innovative basis for the formation of the staffing potential of ATCs through creation of educational and advisory centers, advisory services etc.

Conclusions of the research and prospects for further studies. Agreement and coordination of the activities of organizations and institutions that provide raising of the professional level of local government officials and the formation of the staffing potential of ATCs will allow achieving a mutually beneficial synergistic effect in the introduction and implementation of reforms in the administrative and territorial system in Ukraine.

The separation of competences of managerial and professional staff in the spheres and areas of community life and the distribution of its importance in ensuring the functioning of the ATCs will contribute to the training of staff with a high level of professionalism and responsibility for the effective construction and further development of capable territorial communities.

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